31 Biopolis Way, #01-07, Nanos S138669
M - F: 1030 am to 730 pm
Sat-Sun: 830 am to 230 pm
31 Biopolis Way, #01-07, Nanos S138669
M - F: 1030 am to 730 pm
Sat-Sun: 830 am to 230 pm

A Healthy Outside Comes From A Healthy Inside
Our food looks good and tastes even better. Trust your gut with us, we are proudly vegetarian, vegan, and halal-friendly :)
1Fast & Hassle Free
Place your delivery orders here.
Please book 2 hours in advance before the delivery time.
2Easy Payment
Enter your address and pay with any credit card. We deliver island-wide.
3On-time Delivery
We'll deliver your food to your doorstep in the time slot of your choice.
If you have
further enquiries or special requests, don’t hesitate to contact us at +65 64789739
or enquiries@thelawn.com.sgCreate - your - own - salad forms are available at the counter.
- Contact UsDon't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.31 Biopolis Way, #01-07,
Nanos S138669M - F: 1030 am to 730 pm
Sat-Sun: 830 am to 230 pm+65 6478 9739
Sharing healthy meals and spreading love
Since 2011